Adi Schneckenburger (Advisor)

By education an economist and scholar of Chinese studies, Adi has been practicing and studying yoga for the past 18 years, Iyengar yoga for the past 12 years.




After completing a Hatha Yoga teacher training in Nepal and studies in Ayurveda and Yoga therapy with the American Institute of Vedic Studies, she has completed the Yoga Darsanam programme at the BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute in Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia and is a certified teacher in the Iyengar Yoga school.

She has been studying mainly with Nanda Kumar (BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia), Rajiv and Swati Chanchani (Yog-ganga Center for Yogic Studies, Dehradun/India), and has been participating in Yoganusasanams led by the RIMYI in Pune as well as other conventions  and workshops conducted by senior Iyengar teachers (Sri Abhijata, Birjoo Mehta, Jawahar Bangeraji).

With her keen interest in the art and science of yoga she continuously practices and studies and regularly participates in workshops, trainings and conventions with senior teachers of the Iyengar Yoga school.

She has been sharing her knowledge and is advising Yogaroom Kathmandu in matters related to setting up class contents and curricula. She is also the founder of the retreat place Vishuddhi Alaya in Fulbari/Namobuddha/Nepal.


The asana is an enquiry: ‘Who am I?’ Throwing out the parts until only the Self is left. The final pose is ‘I am’
— BKS Iyengar